New Business of the Year
Loop Emporium - Winner
Small Business of the Year
Alyn Brewis - Winner
Woodhill Hall - Highly Commended
Large Business of the Year
Phoenix Taxis - Winner
Employer of the Year
Inn Collection Group - Winner
Talentheads - Highly Commended
Tourism Business of the Year
Athey’s Moor Flying School - Winner
Food & Drink Business of the Year
The Beresford Arms, Whalton - Winner
The Townshouse, Morpeth - Highly Commended
Business in the Community Award
Northumbria Flooring/Quay Furniture - Winner
Stephanie Ward online Business Services - Highly Commended
Green Initiative of the Year Award
Calibrate Energy - Winner
Community Champion/Group of the Year
Candice Randall - Winner
Andrew Smith - Highly Commended
Sporting Achievement of the Year
Duchess’s High School Equestrian Team (Alnwick) - Winner
Lizzie Towlard & Tash Beck - Highly Commended
Child of Achievement
Cameron Lammin - Winner
Jake Craiggs - Winner
Kai Blenkinsopp - Winner
Lily-Rose Wade - Winner
Thomas Blyth - Winner
Fundraiser of the Year
Andrew Smith - Winner
Unsung Hero Award
Kian Marshall - Winner
Lifetime Achievement Award
Paul Hedley Northumberland Fire and Rescue Service