
The selection process for the awards involves an impartial panel of industry experts who generously volunteer their time to evaluate submissions. These individuals are chosen for their expertise and experience.

Judges review entries, ensuring a fair and unbiased evaluation. In cases where judges have conflicts of interest within specific categories, they abstain from participating in the assessment of those particular entries.

Upon the submission deadline, judges receive all entries in a uniform format, ensuring compliance with data protection regulations. Each entry is then scored by the judges based on the defined criteria for each category.

Judges meet to discuss their assessments and collectively reach a final decision on a single day, solely based on the content provided in the written entries.

It is crucial to note that the entire judging process is conducted confidentially, and all decisions reached during this process are considered final.

Chris Berry

Freelance Journalist and Rural Awards Host - Country Post Magazine

Chris Berry is a freelance writer who has been a long time contributor to the Country Post magazine found inside The Yorkshire Post's Saturday edition. He regularly contributes features to the magazine including his popular Farm of the Week.
He is an author who has written thriller novels and a children's series, as well as being a singer/songwriter.

Lucinda Douglas

Regional Director - CLA North

Lucinda is both a farmer’s daughter and farmer’s wife. She has worked with the National Farmers Union and is now the Regional Director of the CLA that provides advice, services and rural representation for members in the counties of Cumbria, Lancashire, the North East and Yorkshire.

Stephen Wyrill

Regional Chairman - Tenant Farmers Association

Stephen is a dairy farmer and regional chairman of the TFA a position he has held for over 25 years. The Tenant farmers Association provides advice, services and rural representation for members throughout the north of England.

Charles Mills

Show Director - Great Yorkshire Show

Charles Mills farms arable crops and has a wedding venue business at Appleton Roebuck near York. Charles is Show Director of the Great Yorkshire Show and Trustee of the Yorkshire Agricultural Society. He has been a member of the Society's Council for 21 years, was a Cattle Steward at the Great Yorkshire Show for 11 years and was appointed to the Show’s Cattle Committee in 2007. Charles also sits on the Society’s other committees and is a member of the Future Farmers of Yorkshire group and both the NFU and CLA. Charles is a former President of Tadcaster and Wetherby Young Farmers, past Chairman of the Yorkshire Food, Farming and Rural Network and is currently Director of the Association of Drainage Authorities (ADA) and Technical and Environmental Committee Chair.

Felicity Tickridge-Marshall

Head of Digital and Internal Communications - British Association for Shooting and Conservation

Felicity is head of digital communications at BASC. Raised in the Scottish Borders, she grew up immersed in farming, shooting and fishing and worked with horses for a significant part of her professional career. She is now responsible for all of BASC’s digital communications including its websites and social media.


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