Business in the Community Award

To recognise a company demonstrating a commitment to supporting their local community. Judges will be looking for clear proof and evidence of companies adopting policies which were embedded in the company's culture to support the local community. This is for businesses who set aside time/money/resource to help their local communities as part of their CSR.  Specifically Judges will be looking for the following within the application:

General Approach to CSR - Why is it important to the management and running of the business?

Please give examples around the following topics:
Sound corporate activities
Compliance with domestic regulations, related laws, and internal rules, exercises sound and fair corporate practices, earning the trust of stakeholders such as customers, shareholders, employees, business partners, and society.
Respect for human beings
Respect diversity and individual human rights and provide a healthy and safe working environment in which all persons receive fair treatment without discrimination.
Protection of the natural environment
Proactive engagement in environmental efforts and work to protect the natural environment continually updating internal policies to be as proactive as possible.
Responsibility to society
Proactive engagement in activities that contribute to society such as charitable activities
Socially responsible behaviour within the supply chain
Ensuring any supplier used by the business trades in an ethical manner with selection through a fair tender process
Preference towards suppliers from within its locality to positively support the local economy
Transparent operating activities
Communication with customers, shareholders, employees, business partners
Responsibility of the Leadership Team
Role of Employees in managerial positions
Leading by example
Dissemination of information
Developments and goals are transparent and relayed to all staff

Digital & Technology Award

Open to SaaS companies, digital agencies, technology innovators who are excelling in their field. In no more than 1000 words, please provide evidence of the following;

  • Overview of your product or service, USP and markets you operate in
  • Key achievements in your business directly related to the technology or digital product or service
  • How you ensure you are competitive and continually leading in your field
  • How you ensure your staff and customers remain engaged with your product or service

Employer of the Year Award

This award recognises the business that has shown pre-eminent commitment to the development and welfare of its people, by encouraging communication, creativity and proactivity throughout the organisation. The winner will be able to show appreciation, genuine commitment to, and trust in, its people leading to success in business, as well as a fulfilling and stimulating working environment. An award for a business that has great staff relations, good staff retention, with excellent training and who cares for their employees. The best companies to work for! The judges will look for evidence of:

Staff motivation / engagement / consultation & communication
Training / Knowledge sharing / PDR systems & Progression
Recognition & Reward
Health & Wellbeing
Recruitment / Induction / Attrition / EDI
Any recognised standards – IiP, Best Companies etc
And the extent to which all of this links to a clearly communicated strategy / business plan

Medium Business of the Year

This category is open to any business with a turnover up to £3 to £30 million.

Judges will be looking at the following within applications:

The story behind the growth history / comparison with industry norms
The corporate / management structure (and, if applicable, the degree of influence of a remote HQ)
Financials - Trends in turnover / gross profit margin / third party borrowing / net assets
Staff engagement, training, recognition and reward systems
Marketing / Business Development
Green Agenda / Sustainability / CSR & Charity activity
Customer satisfaction levels & consistency / comparison with industry norms
Business Plan - What’s next – priorities in the short to medium term

Sustainability Award

This award will be presented to a business that puts sustainability and the environment at the heart of its business. Applications should address the following: 

Please outline why you are committed to environmental sustainability
How do you involve your employees?
Do you check you suppliers environmental policies where possible?
How do you measure your environmental impact?
Please summarise your impact to date.
What have been specific achievements over the last 18 months?

Young Entrepreneur of the Year

Open to those aged 40 and under, This award celebrates a business leader or entrepreneur who shows outstanding drive, commitment and results. In no more than 1000 words, applicants should demonstrate how the individual excels in the following areas:

  • Enterprising qualities and sound management practices
  • Approach to sustainable growth and commercial acumen 
  • Entrepreneurial skills and inspiration to others
  • Leadership skills and ability to bring their team into their vision and future plans

Social Enterprise Award


This award is open to charities and social enterprises who can demonstrate significant commercial and social impact of their activities. Judges will be looking at the following within applications:

Brief Overview of the operation

Have there been particular successes/new activities or innovations in the last 18 months

Staff engagement, training and recognition

Future plans for the Entity

Small Business of the Year


This category is open to any business with a turnover up to £3 million.

Judges will be looking at the following within applications:

The Story behind your business
Financial Information to show the growth and improvements in recent years
Staff engagement, training, recognition and reward systems if appropriate
Marketing/Business Development
Green Agenda and CSR policies if appropriate
Customer Satisfaction levels
Future Plans

Innovation of the Year (Product or Service)


This award celebrates innovation; of products, services, business models or initiatives. If you are doing something different that is creating change or making a positive difference to your clients, customers or staff, then this award is for you.  In no more than 1000 words, applicants will need to demonstrate;

  • An overview of your innovation
  • The process implemented to research, develop and launch it
  • The positive impact of your innovation; covering any or all of the following - business, team, clients, stakeholders, wider community.
  • Future plans and how innovation plays a part in them

Business Person of the Year


This award celebrates a business leader or entrepreneur who shows outstanding drive, commitment and results. In no more than 1000 words, applicants should demonstrate how the individual excels in the following areas;

  • Enterprising qualities and sound management practices
  • Approach to sustainable growth and commercial acumen 
  • Entrepreneurial skills and inspiration to others
  • Leadership skills and ability to bring their team into their vision and future plans

Best New Business/Start Up of the Year


This award is open to start-up businesses operating for under two years. Judges will be looking for:

The story behind the start of your new business
What is your competition?
Progress to date
Future Plans


Customer Service


This award will go to an organisation that can best demonstrate that it has the customer at the heart of the business.  In no more than 1000 words applicants will demonstrate:

  • Describe your customers, the customer journey and why their experience with you is unique
  • How the company measures ongoing customer service 
  • Steps taken to improve the customer experience across the organisation
  • Evidence of customer engagement through data and testimonials

Large Business of the Year


This category is open to any business with a turnover over £30 million.

To recognise outstanding performance by a company with a workforce of 250+ staff who is excelling in their field. In no more than 1000 words, entrants must demonstrate.  Applications must cover the following:

The story behind the growth history / comparison with industry norms
The corporate / management structure (and, if applicable, the degree of influence of a remote HQ)
Financials: Trends in turnover / gross profit margin / third party borrowing / net assets
Staff engagement, training, recognition and reward systems
Marketing / Business Development
Green Agenda / Sustainability / CSR & Charity activity
Customer satisfaction levels & consistency / comparison with industry norms
Business Plan - What’s next – priorities in the short to medium term


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