Doctor Award
This award is for an individual doctor providing excellent NHS care for people in Scotland.
The award aims to recognise the high quality NHS care and vital treatment that an individual doctor has provided to people in Scotland.
Tell us about the hospital consultant, hospital doctor or General Practitioner you feel has provided outstanding quality of NHS care for people in Scotland. What was it about the care they provided that made it so special to the recipient?
Please note that teams or groups of doctors cannot be nominated for this award. If you want to nominate a dental team or group, why not nominate them for 'Top Team'
Nurse Award
This award is for an individual nurse providing excellent NHS nursing care for people in Scotland.
This award aims to recognise the high quality and compassionate NHS nursing care that an individual nurse has provided for people in Scotland.
Tell us about the nursing care they provided and what made it so special to the recipient.
Please note that teams or groups of nurses cannot be nominated for this award. If you want to nominate a dental team or group, why not nominate them for 'Top Team'.

Leader of the Year Award
This award is for an individual working within NHS Scotland who demonstrates outstanding leadership qualities.
Leaders are a key part of the NHS Scotland workforce and play their part in taking forward changes in service and the way things are done which are better for patients and their families.
This award aims to recognise leaders who are outstanding in the work they do to make change happen and can work with others to improve and make things better. This is your chance to nominate individuals who lead by example encouraging others to improve services for the future and put quality at the heart of everything that they do.
Please note that teams or groups cannot be nominated for this award. If you want to nominate a team or a group, why not nominate them for 'Top Team'.

Tackling Health Inequalities Award
This award is for an individual, a group or a team involved in tackling health inequalities - particularly, but not exclusively, where their work supports people in Scotland to lead and maintain healthier lifestyles.
This award aims to recognise the dedication and commitment of an individual or team that helps reduce health inequalities and/or motivates and supports people in Scotland to make a change in their lives which has led to them leading a more active, healthier and fulfilling life.
Please note this award is open to individuals and teams. Nominations will be accepted for people working in NHS Scotland, from the wider health and social care sector (including those delivering integrated health and social care services) or from other organisations involved in tackling health inequalities and supporting people in Scotland to live healthier lifestyles.
Integrated Care Award
This award is for an individual, a group or a team who provide vital, high quality, co-ordinated health and social care and support that helps people in Scotland in a way that is person-centred, safe and effective.
This award aims to recognise care and support that has been planned around the needs and expectations of the person, their carer(s) and family to achieve improved outcomes.
Tell us about the person or group of people working in an NHS, a Health and social Care Partnership or a Local Authority environment (delivering integrated health and social care services) you want to nominate who are providing seamless care for people in Scotland.
Care for Mental Health Award
This award is for an individual, a group or a team who provide NHS mental health care for people in Scotland.
This award aims to recognise the high quality and compassionate NHS Scotland care being provided to some of the most vulnerable members of our communities. Tell us about the treatment and support that was provided and how this has resulted in a better outcome for the person receiving care.
Please note this award is open to individuals and teams. Nominations will be accepted for people providing NHS Scotland mental health care/services, either working in an NHS, a Health and Social Care Partnership or a Local Authority environment (delivering integrated health and social care services).
Unsung Hero Award
This award is for an individual, a group or a team who in the course of doing their job, make a real difference for people in Scotland, but whose work often goes unrecognised.
Tell us about a person or a group of people whose care has made a real difference to the lives of others in Scotland while not attracting much attention - those willing to go that extra mile for the sake of others.
Please note this award is open to individuals and teams. Nominations will be accepted for people working in an NHS, a Health and Social Care Partnership or a Local Authority environment (delivering integrated health and social care services) or from another organisation based in Scotland.
Young Achiever Award
This award is for an individual aged 30 years or younger on 7 November 2024 who has demonstrated outstanding achievement as part of their working life. Tell us about a student, apprentice, trainee or employee from any clinical or non-clinical discipline, which has shown initiative, drive and excellent judgement in their work to achieve exceptional results.
Your nomination must be for an individual working in an NHS, a Health and Social Care Partnership or a Local Authority environment (delivering integrated health and social care services).
Please note that teams or groups cannot be nominated for this award. If you want to nominate a team or group, why not nominate them for the 'Top Team' Award.
Global Citizenship Award
This award is for any individual or group or team who in addition to their Health or Social Care day job also volunteer in global health and social care work.
This award aims to recognise the dedication and commitment of an individual, group or team who in addition to delivering the day job in Health and/or Social Care are also passionate and committed to contributing to global health and social care work in low and middle income countries. This includes all staff working in health and social care including nurses, doctors and dentists, allied health professions, social workers, social care workers, healthcare scientists and estates and maintenance and other support staff.
Please note this award is open to individuals, groups or teams. Nominations will be accepted for people working in Health and Social Care including volunteers
Allied Health Professional Award
This award is for an Allied Health Professional providing excellent care and support for people in Scotland. Allied Health Professionals (AHPs) are a distinct group of practitioners who apply their expertise to assess, diagnose, treat, discharge and rehabilitate people of all ages across health, education, housing, social care, voluntary and independent sectors.
Covering a wide spectrum of care the AHPs encompass the following professional groups: art therapists, drama therapists, music therapists, podiatrists, dietitians, occupational therapists, prosthetists and orthotists, paramedics, orthoptists, physiotherapists, diagnostic radiographers, therapeutic radiographers, speech and language therapists.
Please note that teams and groups cannot be nominated for this award. If you want to nominate a support team or group, why not nominate them for the 'Top Team' Award'.

Midwife Award
This award is for an individual midwife or team of midwives providing excellent, evidence-based NHS maternity services/care in Scotland.
Tell us about the individual or team who is providing high quality and compassionate care for women and babies in Scotland. What is it about them that makes their contribution to NHS Scotland so special?

Volunteers Award
This award is for an individual, a group or a team who give their time freely to help improve the health and wellbeing of patients, carers and service users of NHS Scotland.
Thousands of people give their time freely to support patients, carers and service users of the NHS in Scotland. This could be through running a fundraiser, befriending patients or supporting carers. Tell us about the person or group of people you want to nominate for the volunteering work that they do to improve the lives of patients, carers and service users of NHS Scotland - what is it about them that makes their role so special?
Please note this award is open to individual volunteers, volunteer groups and teams of volunteers.
Innovation Award
This award is for an individual, a group or a team developing innovative ways to improve health and social care in Scotland. Innovation has many forms and this award recognises clinical and non-clinical innovation. It includes research, use of new or emerging technologies, new ways of working, or faster, smarter access to services and treatments.
It aims to recognise forward-thinking, innovative individuals, or teams, who have taken a creative approach to improve quality, delivery, safety or productivity within health and social care.
Nominations will be accepted for individuals and/or teams working in NHS, Health and Social Care Partnership or another healthcare-focused organisation based in Scotland.

Support Worker Award
This award is for an individual involved in providing excellent NHS non-clinical support services for people in Scotland.
Support workers make an important contribution to our NHS and the care of patients. A support worker delivers hand on care, and also works behind the scenes to improve patient care and could be an ancillary assistant, a domestic assistant, a catering assistant, a care at home worker or a porter - to name but a few.
Your nomination must be for an individual support worker who is providing care/services either working in an NHS, a Health and Social Care Partnership or in a Local Authority environment (delivering integrated health and social care services).
Please note that teams and groups cannot be nominated for this award. If you want to nominate a support team or group, why not nominate them for the 'Top Team' Award.
Top Team Award
This award is for a team who strive to deliver the best possible quality of health and care for people in Scotland.
This award aims to recognise the excellent quality of care and service delivery associated with any NHS service area, anywhere in the country. The team might be involved in providing excellent care at a Day Centre, an NHS Outpatients Department or within your local GP or Dental Surgery.
Tell us who your NHS Scotland Top Team is, where they are based and why their input to NHS health and care provision is so special.
Please note your nomination must be for a team working in an NHS, a Health and Social Care Partnership or Local Authority environment (delivering integrated health and social care services).
Outstanding Contribution to the NHS - Reader's Choice Award
For the first year of Scotland’s Health Awards, we want to take the opportunity to recognise the incredible people who work in our NHS, who have made – and continue to make - an outstanding contribution towards caring for the people of Scotland.
We want to hear about the people who you believe have worked tirelessly and have gone above and beyond to provide the very best care and are worthy of this special recognition.
It could be someone in your community, someone who has provided care, someone who doesn’t realise the remarkable impact of what they do on a day to day basis.
A shortlist of nominations will be announced ahead of voting opening, when as you’ll have the chance to vote for the individual or team who you believe should be the Reader’s Choice winner.